flies services

Fly Pest Control Service: Keeping Your Home Fly-Free

Are you tired of the annoying buzzing of flies around your home? Flies can turn a serene home into a discomforting space. Apart from that, they can potentially transmit diseases such as cholera and typhoid. Fortunately, our comprehensive fly pest control services in South Florida are here to exterminate these elusive pests and restore the allure of your property.

Bed Bug Removal Services

One-stop Solution for Flies Hazard in South Florida

In addition to being an annoyance, flies can seriously harm people’s health by polluting surfaces and food with germs and other infections. Whether you have fruit flies, houseflies, or cluster flies, an infestation of flies can grow rapidly if ignored. Our fly pest control services in Palm Beach guarantee complete fly eradication from your South Florida property.

Our Comprehensive Approach

Our fly exterminator services offer swift and effective control of all types of flies. With a team of skilled pest technicians, we implement a multi-faceted approach to exterminate flies from your South Florida property and stop future infestations.


Fly Pest Control Services

Extensive Flies Inspection

Getting rid of flies does not involve just exterminating the visible insects. It includes an in-depth inspection to trace their source and destroy it. Our fly pest control South Florida experts conduct an in-depth inspection to identify the source and extent of the infestation.

To develop a tailored treatment approach, we closely inspect the fly activity zones, entry points, and nesting locations.

Customized Treatment Solutions

After determining the infestation’s underlying cause, we create a fly pest control plan specifically suited to your requirements. To successfully and swiftly get rid of flies from your house, we have a variety of effective fly control solutions at our disposal, such as chemical treatments, fly baits, traps, and exclusion tactics.


Whether you need a reliable housefly, cluster fly, or fruit fly exterminator, Property Pest Solutions is your one-stop fly removal expert.

Preventative Measures

When you need a lasting solution to fly problem, our fly pest control Broward experts guarantee a fly-free home for years. We believe that stopping fly infestation doesn’t end with extermination; we also apply preventive measures to eliminate the fly problem in the future. By resolving issues such as food storage routines, sanitation, and entry points, we prevent future infestations and help you maintain an inviting surrounding.

Get Rid of Fly Infestation in South Florida

Are you thinking about “Where can I find flies pest control near me?” Property Pest Solutions offers comprehensive fly pest control services in South Florida. Whether you’re in Broward or Palm Beach, our fly exterminators can visit your property to eliminate the fly problem.


Request a Free consultation

Request a Free consultation

Or call us at 954-716-2052

Or call us at 954-716-2052

Request Free Pest Inspection

Request Free Pest Inspection

Or call us at 954-716-2052

Or call us at 954-716-2052


Call us at 954-716-2052 for a free consultation and start your journey to a fly-free home in South Florida. 

Flies, like most other creatures, move to a place in search of food and suitable breeding conditions. If you’ve witnessed an increased fly population on your property, it’s because they’ve found something that supports their existence. Let our pest technicians inspect your property, identify their source, and apply the right treatment to eliminate them.

We employ a variety of treatment methods, including pesticides. However, our use of pesticides is selective, meaning that we apply pesticides in outdoor areas that are not visited by people or pets. We have other safe treatments, including biological control, exclusion, trapping, and physical control.

These methods rely on an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy to keep all insects from infesting your property.

Yes, they do. One of the advantages of choosing Property Pest Solutions is that we don’t cut corners. We have highly skilled pest technicians who choose effective pesticides for specific fly infestations and apply them according to the industry’s best practices. Our approach ensures that we eliminate pests together with their nests to prevent further infestation.

We apply fly pest control treatment to the outdoor spaces only. This means you don’t have to be away during treatment. However, our pest technicians may access your indoor space to inspect other pest infestations for future treatments. This is to ensure your entire property is safe and conducive for your family.

After the first treatment, our pest technicians recommend applying pest control to the outdoor space three times a year. This applies to single-family homes and townhouses. We recommend a once-a-year treatment for condos.

Yes, we do. If, after or between treatments, you witness a fly infestation, contact our pest control experts. Our team will offer the extra treatments required to eliminate the flies at no extra charge.

Enjoy your home totallypest-free

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